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Back in action

So I thought i would start writing a blog for my website however im not sure if im going to be any good at it but im going to give it a try here goes.

Hey every one so its been a long time since ive been back in action with my photography. I think its probably been nearly 2 years apart from the odd photograph here and there. Alot has happened over the past few years including getting married, finding out we were having a baby 3 months after getting married !! (an absolute miracle) graduating Uni and finally moving house!!

We got married 31st of October 2014 after being together for 8 years it was a brilliant day but the lead up was crazy I was on a DIY frenzy aswell as studying for my BA at Uni. However it all came together and it was amazing. Then had a little honeymoon in a fabulous little place Called Forbes of Kingennie would highly recommend it to anyone for a break !!

Then in the January we went away for a short break down to Glasgow for Aaron's 25th Birthday and on the night we came home we found out we were having a baby !!! This news was amazing as we got told it was near impossible. So after a long 9 months of being pregnant and studying for my BA the day came when Baby G made her way into the world on the 21st of September and became Willow the best day of our lives !!

After having to take an extention from Uni due to being in and out of hospital through my pregnancy I finally graduated in December 2015 this was such a special day from leaving school I never imagined my self going into further education never mind RGU Grays School of Art and Graduating with a BA in Commercial Photography.

And if all that wasnt enough of a whirlwind around 2 months ago we decided that it was time for a change of scenery and moved out to the beautiful town of Banchory!! So this is why i have been M.I.A from photography life gets in the way sometimes and theres nothing you can do to stop it. I was struggling to get back into the swing of things but thankfully I got asked to do a group cupcake smash for 3 beautiful 1 year old girls and I had to to do it. It was my first cake smash and I think its fair to say I thoroughly enjoyed it and definetley want to be doing alot more in the future. Im so thankful for the shoot as I found my passion in photography again. For along time I was worried I had lost it but all it needed was for me to get back into the swing of things. Hence why im working on this new website (Fresh Start, Fresh Website) Now I think its time to stop typing and get back to editing this awesome cake smash. If you have made it to the end of this speel WELL DONE!! Haha Vikki xox

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